I’m Anne. I’m a Clinical Director in Clinical Psychology at the Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology, Canterbury Christ Church University.
I help devise Platfform Wellbeing’s workplace training modules and for many years I worked as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the NHS, leading psychology services in mental health teams.
I was British Psychological Society Practitioner of the Year in 2017 and recognised, in particular, for my work to make available good quality public information about mental health. I edited and promoted the Society’s major public information report ‘Understanding Psychosis‘, leading a group of 24 contributors drawn from eight universities and six NHS trusts, together with people who had experienced psychosis.
I’m also engaged with colleagues in the Discursive of Tunbridge Wells project which aims to open up debates about key issues in mental health via a blog and podcast.
I am a regularly invited speaker at national and international conferences and in the media. I have appeared on Radio 4’s Today and All in the Mind programmes. I also write for the Institute’s blog which aims to inform and involve the public and service users in current debates.