Emotional needs
Emotional needs are feelings or conditions we need to feel happy, fulfilled, or at peace. Without them, we may feel frustrated, hurt, or dissatisfied. Exploring 9 basic needs and how those needs can be met.
An introduction to how environments, including workplaces, impact our mental health. How do we create organisations that support mental health and wellbeing?
We will look at environments and mental health: our nine basic emotional needs including security, feeling part of a wider community meaning and purpose.
Throughout this module, we will explore ways to become a trauma-informed organisation and the six key principles for organisations that support employee mental health.
Emotional needs are feelings or conditions we need to feel happy, fulfilled, or at peace. Without them, we may feel frustrated, hurt, or dissatisfied. Exploring 9 basic needs and how those needs can be met.
How to ensure that our teams and workplaces are trauma-informed. Understanding trauma (rather than being part of it), recognising the signs in staff and embedding knowledge into practices.
Looking at key principles for organisations that support their team's mental health and thinking about what each of these might mean in practice.
All of our workplace wellbeing programmes are developed from the ground up to meet the needs of the organisation we are working with. We will build a bespoke programme based on your requirements and our experiences.
Get in touch with our team of workplace wellbeing experts and see how we can help your organisation.